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Smile Stories

Isabella – NSW

Give a Smile gave me something my mum couldn’t really afford and I was treated just like all the other patients

– said Isabella.

Isabella’s journey…

When Isabella entered the Give a Smile program at age 13, she was a young girl with some speech problems and expressed having difficulty being able to eat and chew meat. Once assessed by Give a Smile orthodontist, Dr. Steve Stramotas, it became apparent that her problems were due to her severe dental malocclusion (“crooked teeth”) and her faulty jaw relationship (“bad bite”).

Her lower jaw was set too far back and her upper front teeth were protruding so far that they were at risk to damage from trauma. Isabella’s malocclusion prevented her from breathing normally or even cleaning her teeth properly and she wasn’t happy with her smile. After two years of treatment with Dr. Stramotas, including plates to help correct the bad bite and then braces to straighten her upper and lower teeth, Isabella now speaks with confidence and never stops smiling.

Dr. Stramotas and his staff have been delighted to have worked with her and have benefited from the treatment almost as much as Isabella, looking forward to their regular appointments and forming a great friendship with Isabella and her mother.

As a grateful recipient, Isabella’s offered the following words to Give a Smile and Dr. Stramotas: “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

said Isabella.
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